It’s More than Just the Creative, it’s the User Experience

I have recently been consulting with a new client and some of the elements of my scope include consulting on their creative and copy for various marketing campaigns across the state. Everything has been going very smoothly, we are embarking on new creative assets to ensure they resonate with our Spanish speaking communities across Nevada. Anytime I consult any pieces of creative and\or overall marketing efforts, I like to also go through a test of what the user and or client experience will be like. You see, a marketing campaign in my opinion is not just about how fun or engaging the television or radio spots will look but also how the call to action will be perceived by our target audiences. 

Back to this particular client, upon review and feedback of the creative, I also reviewed the call to action, which in this case was visiting the client’s website to sign up for a particular service. Reminder again, my role on this project is the Hispanic marketing concepts- all of the creative is in Spanish. Upon clicking over to the client’s website, I naturally looked for where I could find the section “En Español”. And I will be honest it took me a second to find it, because it was all the way at the bottom of the site and did not really stand out. I then proceeded to click on that link which let’s just say took me to another heavy copy page with multiple links some of which linked back to English copy and call to action.

I relayed my concerns and recommendations back to my client because ultimately when trying to market to the Spanish speaking community, regardless of how much you spend on advertising, public relations and outreach if the call to action leads them on a wild goose chase, the ROI you were hoping for may not be anywhere near where you had predicted.  So in summary, think about these three things in your next Hispanic marketing campaign.

  • Is my call to action clear and concise?
  • What does the user experience look like after a call to action is completed? (such as going to a website, calling a number, etc) 
  • Are my supporting assets such as website, marketing material and so forth easy to find, easy to read and easy to also implement? 

Again, keep the above in mind as you continue to either consider, develop or implement your next marketing campaign for our Spanish speaking community.