“Mexicana Emprende” – Lifting Up Other Latina Entrepreneurs

The last few months I have had the opportunity to interact with some amazing entrepreneurial women from throughout our great state of Nevada who have been a part of our Consulado de Mexico (Mexican Consulate) “Mexican Emprende” program. This program launched last fall and provided soon-to-be small business owners with relevant workshops and information as well as mentorships from various local agencies.

It was an honor to be invited to lead one of the workshop discussions on marketing and public relations for small businesses. I shared tips on marketing their business, identifying the value that each one of them brings to the table, as well as lessons I have learned along the way as a Latina entrepreneur and small business owner.

A couple of weeks ago was the final session for these ambitious Latinas in Nevada which concluded with them presenting their sales pitch and business plan to a judging panel. I had the opportunity to be invited back to be one of the judges along with Saul Ramos from the US Small Business Administration and Peter Guzman from the Latin Chamber of Commerce. Let me tell you the competition was fierce and all I can say was “WOW” regarding the effort and detail of the business plans and pitches that these women brought to the table. These women included aspiring restaurant owners, beauty industry and professional service providers and much more. There is nothing that will stop these women from accomplishing their dreams and I am excited to continue following their journey.

I look forward to continuing to collaborate with Consul Julian Escutia and many other community organizations in Nevada to support women and small business owners because when small businesses succeed, so does our community.

A special thank you to 8 News Now en Español for following the program from day one and for highlighting my takeaways last fall. Also check out the press release distributed by the Consuls office here.